This report originated as a result of my internship, which was a mandatory requirement for my BBA program. It reflects my learning experiences during the internship at Rural Reconstruction Foundation, I have worked in Rural Reconstruction Foundation, at Main Branch, Sadar, Jashore under communication & documentation department. The purpose of this report is to identify the role of social media in marketing of Rural Reconstruction Foundation. I have gathered data from the employee of Rural Reconstruction Foundation. Then I have used MS excel. By using this tools, I have showed graph chat that evaluated the percentage of the role of social media in marketing. I had a lot of difficulties writing this report because not all of the staff was friendly enough to provide me with enough information on the topic.
The objective of this study is to depict the current status of social media utilization among charitable organizations providing human assistance, and the research aims to delve deeper into the reasons and methods underlying the advantageous utilization of social media by non-profit organizations. Online media provides a unique opportunity for charitable institutions to gain insights into their work and understand the areas they aim to serve. Many organizations in business, government, and philanthropy have already adopted online media; however, numerous questions regarding this emerging medium still remain unanswered. The current state of online media utilization among non-profit institutions lays a strong groundwork for other non-profit entities to address potential challenges and vulnerabilities in the future, identify goals and strategies to support these organizations in progressing. A deeper understanding of the reasons behind and the methods through which to utilize online media will also assist the organization in identifying ways to employ web-based platforms that contribute to the sustainability of the association. The anticipation is that the utilization of online media will bring benefits to both the organization and the local community it interacts with. This research contributes to the understanding of social media marketing in the context of non-profit organizations, serving as a basis for future studies that may be replicated and further enhanced to assess the advantages of online media utilization, identify best practices or methodologies for social media use, and determine its suitability.
1.1 Introduction
The proliferation of social networking has become a prevalent occurrence on a global magnitude. Previously, people used to gather in public venues or assigned meeting locations, but now they assemble via online platforms like social media. Nonprofit organizations have acknowledged the importance of social media and information technology. The organization has adopted social media to promote community development and support fundraising and event hosting that are in line with its objective. The nonprofit institutions have achieved an amazing adoption rate of 97 percent for social media. Nonprofit organizations have effectively incorporated social media into their marketing strategy (Young, 2012). Nonprofit organizations are created when both public and private sector bodies are unable to achieve their desired objectives, as hypothesized.
These organizations materialize as nursing homes, homeless shelters, and other services that serve worthy families and individuals. Nonprofit organizations utilize several marketing tactics to succeed in a perpetually changing and competitive marketplace. Their adoption of social entrepreneurship and their focus on the sustainability of their financial base has been acknowledged (Binder, 2007). Similar to other nonprofit entities, human service organizations utilize several tactics to accomplish their objective. They have included social media into their marketing strategies. Nonprofit organizations are commonly known as human service organizations. Their role include providing human services and addressing many human concerns and difficulties. As to the description given by O’Connor & Netting (2002), these organizations fund, strategize, promote, and educate on issues pertaining to human services.
Nonprofit organizations encompass a diverse range of structures and serve a multitude of purposes. These might be illustrated by organizations that provide mental health counselling services and advocate for homeless folks. These organizations engage in partnerships with other institutions to stabilize the homeless population and offer them long-term housing solutions. Nonprofit organizations cover a wide spectrum of social dimensions.
These organizations have started using platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube to promote their mission and advance their cause, thanks to the emergence of technology and social media. Nonprofit organizations are crucial in shaping the political, financial, and social aspects of a society. Social media provide these organizations have the chance to improve their online presence, influence, and effectiveness.
A qualitative study was conducted, involving 39 leaders of nonprofit organizations, to examine their use of social media for their services. The data analysis indicated that nonprofit organizations are integrating their offerings with social networking platforms. Certain nonprofit organizations opt to observe the integration of social media platforms into the operations of other organizations. Early adopters and innovators utilize social media to encourage their volunteering efforts (Waters, 2010). Social media is an interactive and networking medium. This platform empowers individuals to create content rather than passively receiving it. Content refers to visual and audiovisual media, as well as written information, that is readily accessible on the internet. Social media, as per an alternative definition, refers to internet applications that are built on Web 2.0 technology. This technology enables the production and sharing of material created by users (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010). Social media’s main attribute is its capacity to facilitate both synchronous and asynchronous connections between persons. According to Kanter (2010), social media refers to a variety of digital technologies are user friendly and affordable. This platform enables individuals to create and control their own environment, shape their own story, post visual media, and distribute it to their acquaintances and supporters. Social media platforms have undergone rapid and significant expansion in recent times. A multitude of applications and platforms are emerging within the domain of social media. Notable social media networks including Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. More than, social media includes blogs, Wikipedia, Instagram, and other platforms.
Kanter (2010) argues that text messaging plays a crucial role in the domain of social media. It enables the efficient organization and involvement of users in communication and interaction. Although email is sometimes considered part of this category, several scholars contend that email is an antiquated form of communication. Most millennial view email as an outdated technological medium. Recently, there has been a significant advancement in social media technology, leading to a rise in the number of users actively engaging with it. This indicates the rise of social media as a powerful instrument for studying groups and individuals. Social media has facilitated the emergence of a participatory culture, marked by the engagement of individuals through platforms that offer features like tagging and content sharing. Participating in such activities
Engaging in various activities offers a multitude of advantages, such as fostering possibilities for reciprocal learning, showcasing varied cultures, enhancing skills, and promoting active citizenship. Convergence is the term used to describe the ongoing spread of content across different media platforms. Convergence encompasses more than just technology; it also includes the creation of new connections, the sharing of knowledge, and a cultural shift (Jenkins, 2006). Single person, group of people, and institutions utilize the various aspects of convergence to fulfil their specific objectives.
The media acts as a mediator in human interactions, and every modification or transition in media likewise modifies human connections. Organizations aim to cultivate trust within communities and bolster their social capital. Therefore, it is essential to understand the significance of social media in nonprofit marketing. Social media possesses the ability to alter the structure of society by facilitating the establishment of personal relationships on the internet. The internet has emerged as a powerful tool that enables the spread of information, knowledge, and material, therefore having the ability to shape social perspectives. The social media landscape is characterized by its dynamic and ever-evolving nature (Young, 2012). The architecture of social media, in conjunction with its continuous advancement, has streamlined the procedure of disseminating content for individuals. This content has the capacity to influence individuals, organizations, and communities. Hence, it is crucial to comprehend and discern the influence of social media on both the local community and broader society. The corporate sector is currently benefiting from social media, as it necessitates lower expenditures on product marketing owing to the cost-efficient alternatives offered by social media.
Corporate entities employ several social media platforms to advertise their services. Nonprofit organizations have also acknowledged the importance of utilizing social media platforms for marketing purposes. By 2009, it was discovered that all prominent charitable organizations in the USA were employing social media in various capacities. These charitable organizations utilize blogs, video blogs, and social networking platforms such as Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, and YouTube (Young, 2012). Nonprofit organizations use technological solutions that have proven effective for successful entities, as they navigate through an unpredictable landscape.
Both business and charity organizations implement technological strategies to maintain their competitive advantage and enhance their reputation (Young, 2012).
1.2 Objective of the study
1.2.1 Broad Objective
The objective of this study to examine the impact of social media on the marketing strategies of Rural Reconstruction Foundation.
1.2.2 Specific Objective
- To give an overview of Rural Reconstruction Foundation
- To understand the social media marketing strategies of Rural Reconstruction Foundation
- To provide some recommendations for improving company’s performance
1.3 Methodology
The study utilized a total sample size of 125 participants. The method employed for sample selection was Convenience sampling technique.
1.3.1 Source of Data
There are two types of data were needed for the study:
1.3.2 Primary data
- Structured questionnaires were created and distributed to the employees of the organization.
- The questionnaire gathered information on the role of social media in marketing of Ngo’s.
1.3.3 Secondary data
- Magazines and journals.
- Company’s Website.
- Related books and papers.
1.3.4 Data Collection Procedures
The primary means of conducting research was through the utilization of the questionnaire method, which served as the main tool for gathering crucial information from the various sources of data. An extensively organized questionnaire was created specifically for the purpose of collating information from the company’s employees.
1.3.5 Data Analyzing Procedures
Measures derived from the research framework, such as social media’s advantage & disadvantage have been adopted as the research constructs. Each construct comprises two or three components or indicators. A Likert-type scale with five points (ranging from SD- strongly disagree, to SA- strongly agree) will be employed to assess the variable items in the research questionnaire. The requisite data have been subjected to analysis using methods such as percentage analysis and graphical representation. To ascertain the internal consistency of the data, a reliability test has been applied. Furthermore, both percentage analysis and correlation analysis have been utilized to scrutinize the data and derive the findings.
1.4 Structure of the report
The structure of this report is meticulously designed to offer a cohesive and comprehensive exploration of the role of social media in marketing, particularly in the context of Rural Reconstruction Foundation the report begins with an introduction that provides an overview of the topic and its relevance in the current market scenario. A detailed literature review is presented, drawing upon existing research and theories to establish a foundational understanding of the subject. The subsequent section delves into the methodology, outlining the research approach, data collection methods, and analytical techniques employed in the study. The core of the report comprises an in-depth analysis and discussion, where the findings from the research are critically examined against the backdrop of Rural Reconstruction Foundation practices. This section highlights key insights and contrasts them with organizational norms. Concluding the report is a section dedicated to recommendations and future outlook, offering practical advice for Rural Reconstruction Foundation. This structure ensures a logical flow, facilitating a clear and thorough understanding of the topic.
2.1 Introduction
The Rural Reconstruction Foundation (RRF) is a voluntary development organization established in March 1982 in the Southwestern region of Bangladesh. It operates as a non-governmental, non-profit, non-political, and non-sectarian entity with the primary goal of fostering socio-economic empowerment for underprivileged individuals, including men, women, children, and youths. Initially founded by Mr. Philip Biswas and Mrs. Pinku Rita Biswas, the organization expanded to other regions of the country in response to public demand. The RRF is guided by the core principle of the Holy Gospel, “Love your Neighbor as yourself,” and is dedicated to creating a just society where everyone, irrespective of race, color, caste, or religion, has equal access to resources, human rights, social justice, and dignity, as envisioned by the organization’s founders. RRF has a strong belief in the “Holistic Development Approach” for true community development that involves people actively participating in planning, making decisions, and putting those decisions into action.
As part of its working strategy, The Rural Reconstruction Foundation (RRF) has been employing a participatory development approach that is non-directive, aiming to materialize the concept of active engagement by the people themselves. With this improved knowledge, RRF has been assisting the poor in rural and urban areas to achieve socioeconomic freedom through a variety of initiatives.
2.2 Head office
The office of RRF is situated at Karbala, Sadar, Jashore (C&B Road Karbala, Jashore-7400, Bangladesh). All other branch offices of RRF which are situated throughout the country regulated from this head office.
2.3 Strategy of the Organization
The organization’s strategy is grounded in principles such as fairness, trust, respect, and unity, as well as wide community engagement and collaborative efforts across different sectors that encompass preventive, promotional, and rehabilitative approaches.
2.4 Objective of the organization
2.4.1 Short-term objective:
- Raising awareness among partner individuals and organizing them into self-help groups
- Encouraging and supporting the development of impoverished communities through small-scale income-generating activities
- Establishing formal and non-formal educational institutions for children, illiterate adults, and non-school-going and dropout students
- Providing primary healthcare services
- Offering training and credit support services for income-generating activities
2.4.2 Long-term objective:
- Achieving social and economic empowerment of underprivileged individuals
- Establishing a fair society where everyone enjoys equal rights and a fair share of resources
- Promoting sustainable development of communities, programs, and the organization itsel
2.5 Vision, mission, and goal of the organization
2.5.1 Vision of the organization:
The organization envisions a Bangladeshi society that is socially just, economically prosperous, environmentally sustainable, and genuinely democratic.
2.5.2 Mission of the organization:
The mission of the organization is to create a civil society that upholds the principles of complete democracy, liberty, equality, justice, peace, and solidarity through comprehensive development opportunities for disadvantaged men, women, youth, and children.
2.5.3 Goal of the organization:
The goal of the organization is to enhance the socioeconomic condition of the targeted community by fostering a sense of dignity and self-reliance among its members, as well as raising their awareness about the socioeconomic realities, underlying causes, and potential solutions to poverty.
2.6 Target Participants of the Organization:
- Peasants without land
- Marginalized farmers
- Impoverished men and women
- Children, youth, and elderly individuals
- The most deprived members of society
3.1 Introduction
In my academic years I learn about theories. In my “Digital Marketing” course I got some Ideas of Social Media Marketing. But all of these were theoretical knowledge which gave me a head start about the role of social media in marketing of an organization.
I started my Internship program in Rural Reconstruction Foundation for the period of 3 months starting from November 5, 2023 to February 5, 2024. The location of the branch is at Dhormotola, Sadar, Jashore. During my intern period in the Rural Reconstruction Foundation, Jashore Branch, I worked under Communication & Documentation Department. During this time, I got the experience to work under communication & documentation department. It was an enjoyable and educative experience for me. So I will be ready for doing any kind of marketing & communication job in my future career. My duties and responsibilities are given below:
3.2 Internship Position, Duties & Responsibilities
The very first day of my internship I was assigned to communication & documentation department under supervision of Md. Mokbul Ahmed and Sumaiya Sultana. In this department I learned how to engage with customers and build relationships through social media.
My duties was to promote the company’s services to customers through social media and build strong relationships. Example: I promoted their service ‘Freelancing program’ successfully on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
3.3 Focus on Specific Issue
During my internship period, I observed some problem & prospect on social media marketing of Rural Reconstruction Foundation. I created some questionnaire and survey on it.
3.4 Data Analysis Method
This section presents the outcomes of the data collected through a questionnaire administered to employees of RRF. The findings are visualized using graphs and charts, and the researcher provides a description and analysis of the data.
3.4.1 Major Findings
Question-1: Social media upgrades the perceivability of NGO’s among expected givers.

The statement is supported by the majority of responders. 68% respondent agree about this statement and 12% respondents strongly agree this statement. They claim that social media can increase a nonprofit organization’s visibility to prospective donors. The public’s awareness of nonprofit organizations is raised via social media, per the research findings.
Question-2: People are interested in joining fundraising activities because of social media.

Most of the people believe that social media has the capacity to motivate individuals to participate in fundraising endeavors. The significance of this finding is that organizations have the ability to utilize social media platforms to get individuals to participate in fundraising events. Information disseminates rapidly on social media platforms and frequently achieves viral status within minutes. This provides the groups with an excellent opportunity to encourage folks to participate in fundraising events and raise awareness for their cause. A study was conducted to determine the impact of social media on online giving day fundraising campaigns.
Question-3: Volunteers and new people are interested in joining NGOs because of social media.

Most participants believe that social media assist the nonprofit organization in recruiting volunteers and new members. This finding indicates that organizations can utilize social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to distribute information related to their goals and identify potential candidates. This feature can be beneficial in the process of recruiting new volunteers and members.
Question-4: I accept that social media helps us in accomplishing our main goal.

The participants were asked about their view of the effectiveness of social media. The majority of participants agree that social media has helped to accomplish the organization’s objective and purpose. This finding implies that the nonprofit organization can better their aim by utilizing social media. Social media has the capacity to bring people together. It provides an interactive platform for users to engage with each other. Organizations may effectively communicate and spread the goals and mission of their purpose through interactions and communications. This affords them the chance to connect with new folks and advance their purpose.
Question-5: Social media platform facilitate the sharing of information

Based on the illustrated data in the figure, a substantial portion of the participants saw social media as a helpful means of distributing information.
This suggests that social media applications are capable of efficiently transmitting information. This discovery suggests that organizations have the chance to communicate their intended information to a wide range of individuals from different communities using social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Question-6: NGOs social media managers are sometimes cheated by fraud people on social media platforms.

Most respondents agree that social media administrators of charitable organizations are sometimes targeted by malicious and irrational persons on social media. This finding suggests the presence of detrimental components throughout social media networks. This research highlights both the numerous benefits and negative aspects of social media for charity organizations. Social media functions as a platform that enables individuals to openly exchange their own stories and concepts on the internet. Nevertheless, specific factions of society take advantage of this unrestrained freedom of expression. As a result, when these pessimistic individuals focus their attention on charitable organizations, the social media managers are obligated to deal with their critical comments. This not only wastes the managers’ time but also potentially lowers their morale. A subset of the responders disagrees with the assertion, indicating that such instances are not commonly experienced. Therefore, a portion of the participants disagree with the claim that they had experienced such occurrences in their careers.
Question-7: Responses to negative posts can have detrimental effects on the organization’s marketing efforts.

The participants of the survey were inquired about the adverse remarks. The majority of the participants assert that unfavorable reactions to posts can compromise an organization’s marketing efforts. This discovery implies that an organization’s reputation can be harmed through negative posts. Consequently, it has the potential to erode trust in the organization, leading to a decline in supporters. This can have noteworthy ramifications for a nonprofit organization, as it relies on the trust and dedication of the general public. If individuals begin to question the organization, it could inflict damage upon its esteemed status and favorable reputation. However, there are certain respondents who disagree with this assertion. This suggests that some participants do not see negative posts as capable of causing harm to an organization or its mission. It implies that public sentiment is not easily influenced by a few negative posts and reactions. It is not imperative for individuals to unquestioningly accept everything they come across on social media. People often conduct their own investigations, providing an opportunity for the organization to rebuild its prestige and reputation.
Question-8: The organization employs social media to showcase transparency, aiming to build trust.

The empirical discoveries indicate that nonprofit entities employ social media as a means to exhibit their openness and cultivate confidence within the general populace. The viewpoint of the general public holds significance for a nonprofit entity. To build a trustworthy relationship with the public, these entities use social media platforms to demonstrate their transparency. This is accomplished by sharing posts about their activities and illustrating, through social media, the prudent use of public funds. By doing so, the organization will establish its standing in the collective networks and communities of the general public. Those who contribute to the organization’s cause require reassurance that their financial contributions are used judiciously. Social media serves as a platform that provides the organization an opportunity to foster trust and loyalty.
Question-9: The cost-efficiency of social media renders it a significant marketing tool for our organization.

Most of participants contend that social media serves as a cost-effective tool for nonprofit organizations, making it a crucial instrument for marketing purposes. Due to the limited financial resources of these organizations, they rely on social media for their promotional objectives. This is mainly because many social media site provide free trial and provide a means to disseminate the organization’s mission and information without necessitating significant financial investments. The effectiveness of social media for nonprofit organizations is additionally supported by various research studies, which emphasize the diverse financial benefits linked to its use. These advantages encompass time savings, increased fundraising prospects, and enhanced visibility of support. In contrast, conventional marketing methods like print media, billboards, television, and radio incur significantly higher costs compared to social media marketing platforms. As a result, social media marketing allows nonprofit organizations to extend their reach within the constraints of their limited budgets. By leveraging social media, they can effectively promote their services to a wider audience, thereby attracting new clients and donors (Saxton & Wang, 2013). Nevertheless, there are dissenting opinions among the participants. This implies that certain managers do not perceive social media marketing as a cost-effective strategy. It implies that these managers believe that social media marketing necessitates greater investments, resources, and time, thereby making it an ineffective approach in terms of cost.
Question-10: Social media create many opportunities for NGO’s marketing.

Most of participant agree with social media create lot of opportunities for NGO’s marketing and promotion. It’s about 92% and both strongly agree and disagree are same about 4%.
3.5 Learning Experience
The internship program is arranged to achieve practical knowledge to cope with this competitive world. It is a compulsory part of the BBA program just to allow a student to enrich their knowledge about the current development in the business field. The student develops some vital skills during this section which are very important in the profession. I am blessed to have an opportunity to work at RRF, one of the finest NGOs in Bangladesh. During that period, I have developed some vital skills which I can utilize in the future. These are as follows:
- Teamwork: The first thing I need to mention is Teamwork. RRF is one of the largest NGOs in Bangladesh which undertakes several projects around 22 districts especially focusing on rural people. These projects are carried out under different supervisors and their staff. I have observed many of these projects and learned how to work as a team.
- Problem-Solving Skills: As RRF has numerous projects focusing on rural development, the activities of these projects are sometimes hindered by many external reasons. During my internship, I learned how to solve problems and achieved specific objectives.
- Communication skill: this is perhaps the most important skill in today’s business world. I have observed several projects of RRF where I have to collect information and work procedures. Throughout this process, my communication skill has become even better.
- Time management: Time management is required in every profession and plays a key role in professional success. During my internship program, sometimes I have multiple programs in a day that I need to complete in time. Furthermore, I have to go to a different place in time to observe different projects. From this, I have taught myself to manage time and be more punctual.
3.6 SWOT Analysis
3.6.1 Strength
Rural Reconstruction Foundation are directly contract with the root level people and ability to understand root level people. They promote local resources. They have huge customer and perform better than other NGOs.
3.6.2 Weakness
Rural Reconstruction Foundation have documentation limitation. They have shortage of IT expert person and lack of skills of social media manager.
3.6.3 Opportunity
Possibilities of expansion, social connectivity and using social media marketing.
3.6.4 Threats
Growth of other NGO’s, banking with rural people and government policy.
3.7 Recommendations
Nonprofit organizations presently exhibit a trend of initially adopting web-based platforms for community engagement in their online media utilization. While many organizations continue to follow this approach, there is an increasing emphasis on promoting programs and services. This is predominantly achieved through popular platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, where organizations share newsletters, project images, links to other nonprofits, and relevant information with their online community at an accelerated pace. Humanitarian aid organizations have been actively using online media for over five years, with the majority intending to sustain this practice in the future. Despite nonprofit organizations reporting spending less than ten hours per week on online media, they express overall satisfaction with the outcomes but acknowledge the need for additional support. Although the current state of online media utilization among nonprofits seems promising, certain aspects of leveraging this new medium require further attention. The study’s evidence does not definitively confirm whether the digital divide in social media use among nonprofits is diminishing or growing; nevertheless, it suggests that nonprofits could benefit from additional assistance.
The objective of this inquiry was to depict the present state of affairs concerning the utilization of social media among benevolent organizations engaged in human aid, as well as to delve into the reasons and methods by which non-profit entities can derive advantages from employing social media. Social media presents an innovative opportunity for non-government organizations to delve deeper into their work and gain insight into the areas they aspire to assist. A majority of entities in the realms of commerce, government, and philanthropy have embraced online media, yet many queries surrounding this nascent medium persist. The existing state of affairs regarding the use of online media by non-profit organizations lays a solid groundwork for other such entities to engage in discussions about the uncertainties of the future, identify goals and strategies to propel non-profit organizations forward. Enhanced comprehension of the rationales and approaches for utilizing online media can aid organizations in formulating strategies for leveraging social media platforms to ensure the sustainability of the organization. The objective is to derive mutual benefits for both the organization and the engaged community through the effective use of online media. The objective of this research is to offer an understanding of social media marketing within the realm of non-profit organizations. This study aims to establish a groundwork for subsequent research, facilitating the replication and enhancement of investigations. The overarching goal is to assess the advantages of utilizing online media, uncover best practices and strategies for effective social media engagement, and evaluate the applicability of this platform across various non-profit organizations.