Executive summary :
I want to do sweets business .The most common dairy products like sweets eg: chamcham, kalajam, kachagolla, Dahi, parasandesh, rosomalai I’m interested because my groom already has sweets shop that’s name’s “ AdhikaryMistanno Vander “ so, it is easy for me to continue this business. And I think this is good business in this time . We know dairy are available here & milk also available from dairy. So, the sweets business are easy for me I think.
Description Of Business:
I want to work in Hatgopalpur at Jhinaidah district first I will employ some people for my sweets shop. Someone will help me in the shop & three will be in the factory. One person made different items sweets, he is the main employee in the factory & another help him & one person made Dahi, channa, milk heated.
Market Analysis:
Before the starting business, we must know what kind of demand there is. If I set up the shop in the place , it will convenient for to come, what kind of price are being sold in the market,also what age people can work more I.e. weather they are between 10-15.
Market Demand:
There is a huge demand for sweets in this area. Many people like sweets & specially children likes it. I will try to sale my products at low price , as a result increase the demand.So, the products are supply available.
Sales & Dividends:
Chamcham, kalajam kachagolla Dahi parasandesh rosomalai are available in my shop. So , chamcham & kalajamare available tk 200, rosomalai are available tk 350,Dahi tk 180, parasandesh tk 400per kg, kachagolla available are tk400 per kg. If per day 40 kg sale chamcham & kalajam 50*200=10000; rosomalai 5-6kg 5*300=1500;Dahi per day 10 kg sale 10*180=1800 per day
From this income ,if the salary 4 employee 900, 500*2=1000, 400. Total (1000+1600+700)= 3300
Raw milk will buy per day 130kg 50tk & 50*120=6000
Total income (1500+1800+10000)=. 13300
Total cost(3300+6000)= 9300
Profit per day (13300-9300)=4000
1 month profit (30×4000)=12000
12month profit (12000*12)=144000
Financial requirement &plan:
Shop position 10 lakh tk deposit, chair,table, pan, bowl etc buy 3 lakh tk.
Direct cost:about 4 workers, 1 manager are needed.
Indirect cost: electricity bill, shop biil, sevice charge.
Working capital fund:some cost is required every day like.
Loan repayment & dues:
If I needed 15lakh tk to start business . I hope the money borrowed from the bank for a fixed term or from a business partner.I will gradually repay the loans from the money that will be gained every month.
Product sales strategy:
We should available all sweets products are kept. Customer take tas much as they needed.
Good products should be supply , those can’t no objections my shop.
Care should be taken products are healthy.
To maintain the position in the local market.
To provide maximum satisfaction to the customer.
There are no strong supplier in the market.
Every one can buy this.
All sweets must be natural & pure.
Finally, to say dairy products are essential for human life & never ended of milk demand in future to increase.
In my business plan produce the qualitative milk for the general publi. Sale to local market & sale to customer.
Day by day the competitors to increase in the market & various kinds of products provide services.
Finally we can business plan is good for small & local market & first motive is to capture the local customer